CYBERNANO is a biostatistical contract research organization proposing services in Pharmaceutical Quality by Design (QbD) to our customers. Our mission is to reduce time of development (-30%) of your innovating drug while increasing its quality and facilitating regulatory approval. Our strength lies in easyQBD: the first SaaS platform dedicated to QbD analysis.
Role within EXPERT
Within the EXPERT project, CYBERNANO supports the partners in each step of development guided by the Pharmaceutical Quality by Design (QbD) good practice thanks to its easyQBD platform. easyQBD is a collaborative platform of development facilitating the QbD implementation. It includes a set of statistical methods and tools such as design of experiments and multivariate regression. The platform is used in this project to determine the target profiles of LNPs, identify the critical quality and material attributes as well as the process parameters and determine the normal operating region in the design space.
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